Saturday, January 17, 2015

Thailand Tourism Festival

The Thailand Tourism Festival highlights the culture and traditions of Thailand for tourists and locals.  It is held at Lumpini Park and there are lots of fun activities: dancing, crafts, arts, and lots of delicious food!

No modern machinery needed here to make cotton thread.

Artisans make each shadow puppet by hand with a chisel on vellum.

I waited for 45 minutes to get a plate of yummy chicken and rice.
(Foodie Rule #1: Always eat where there is a long line of people.)

I wasn't sure why these inflatable rubber duckies were here, but they were HUGE!

As dusk arrived, lanterns lit up the night sky.

And dragons appeared amongst the crowd of happy guests.
Doesn't all of this make you want to jump on a plane and visit Thailand?  Come on over!

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