Since we don't own a car in Thailand, we spend a lot of time in different wheeled machines going from place to place. It also makes it easier to take pictures of other ways people are getting around.
1. Tuk Tuk. Prices are negotiable, the style and color are not.
2. Motor taxi. Prices are reasonable and fairly standard. Look for the orange vest, and leave the job of zig zagging among oncoming cars and other obstacles to the driver! Helmets are optional.
3. Taxi (color does not matter, but they come in Yellow, Pink, Orange, Lime Green, Purple, Light Blue, etc. Price is set by meter.
4. Public bus. Fare is collected by an on-board attendant. Sometimes the ride is free...
...sometimes you get a front row seat...
...and you always have a real clock mounted in the front.
5. Private bus. Arranged by tour company.
6. Scooter/Motorcycle. Gas is affordable and you can get from point A to point B much faster (not always safer) than a car. Often used by small families.
7. Car/Truck. Still a popular choice for many.
8. Taxi Pickup Truck (covered). Prices are in the medium range.
9. Lorrie (bigger truck). Usually for construction workers.
10. MRT/BTS Subway/Railcar: Fast and frequent.
11. Scooter-Kitchen or Scooter-Café. Not for riding, but for eating and drinking!
12. Bicycle-Store. Mobile mops and brooms.
13. Modified Scooter with Bed or Front/Side Carrier. For moving your small stuff, like water, rice, and friends.
14. Scooter with Sidecar. Our colleagues Pete and Tahnee saw one once and I drew a picture of what it might look like with their dogs riding along.
15. Scooter-Carriage. So far, only spotted, and ridden, in Koh Lanta...and you can rent one for 500 baht (US$16) per day. It's the red one in the lower middle of this price sheet.
16. Megastore Shuttle Bus: Free!
17. School Shuttle Bus. Free!
18. Covered pickup for moving your big stuff. 800 baht ($25 USD) per trip.
19. A really fast snail. What?
20. So colorful!